07956 372 059


Good With Wood (london) Limited
Company number 9785530
Office address: Unit 7, 3-5 Little Somerset Street, London, E1 8AH
Country of registration England & Wales
M: 07956 372 059
T: 0208 578 8934
E: kevin@goodwithwoodlondon.co.uk

Terms and conditions

Where we cannot resolve any complaints using our own complaints procedure, as a Which? Trusted trader we use Dispute Resolution Ombudsman for dispute resolution. In the unlikely event of a complaint arising and you wish to refer the complaint to them please contact 0333 241 3209 or via their website http://www.disputeresolutionombudsman.org/which-trusted-traders-partnership/

© Good With Wood (london) Limited • Company number 9785530 • Office address: Unit 7, 3-5 Little Somerset Street, London, E1 8AH
Country of registration: England & Wales • 07956 372 059 • kevin@goodwithwoodlondon.co.uk
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